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Turkey Tail Dual Extract

Turkey Tail Dual Extract

Turkey Tail has been used for millenia and is one of the most widely studied medicinal mushrooms. Similar to our other Alcohol based Dual Extracts, by adding just 1-3 FULL droppers to your coffee, tea, water, or sublingually (under your tongue) you can begin to benefit from this wonderful mushroom.


-Has been used as a treatment for Respiratory conditions in Traditional Eastern Medicine.

-Japan's version of our FDA has approved Turkey Tail Extract as a adjunctive treatment with Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. One reason is because of Turkey Tail's highly medicinal (PSP) Polysaccaridepeptide and (PSK) Polysaccaride-K. These are the medicinal compounds belived to help fight Cancer. The second reason is because of its ability to help with digestion and stomach issues. Both from normal digestion issues as well as those caused from harsh Chemotherapy regiments.( This information can be found on the National Cancer Institue webseite)

-Contains Polysaccarieds and Beta-Glucans believed to be responsible for inhibiting Cancer cell growth.

-(PBG) Contains Protien-Beta Glucan, a component thought to help prevent obesity by balancing Gut bacteria in people with high fat diets.


Fun Fact- While doing a Turkey Tail Alcohol Extraction the alcohol turns a Pink color. The essence of this mushroom is Pink! Whats this Mushroom mainly known for? Breast Cancer......

Whats the ribbon color for Breast Cancer Awareness??????   PINK

Nature speaks to us when we become available to hear.


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